Resources regarding global prosperity

Research Tools

The IGF is engaged in global issues that have direct and indirect financial impacts on systemic risk, global financial stability and world security. In addition to sharing research and publications of our own, as well as providing information about events we host, we also strive to provide other useful resources in these areas.

Research Centres:

Legatum Institute computes the Legatum Prosperity Index™ to assess the global prosperity based on eight distinct categories: Economy; Education; Entrepreneurship & Opportunity; Governance; Health; Personal Freedom; Safety & Security; and Social Capital. Their data is available here.

Center for Global Development  (CGD) devotes itself to improving the policies and practices of rich countries and international bodies, and seeks for means to influence and reduce global poverty and inequality. Their research is available here.

The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) is "a non-profit organisation, dedicated to building capacity in individuals, groups and institutions to contribute to prevalent discourses concerned with the betterment of society". Their research is available here.

Mercatus Center, George Mason University is a university-based research centre. One of its research directions is the Global Prosperity Initiative, which strives to answer questions such as, "Why do some societies prosper, while others remain stagnant and poor". Their research is available here.

Network for Prosperity, United Nations Industrial Development Organization is funded by the Government of Spain’s MDG Achievement Fund. This organisation focuses on creating a global management system for the development of the private sector. Their research is available here.

Center for Strategic and International Study (CSIS) is a non-profit organisation headquartered in Washington, D.C.. Their focuses range from defense and security to global development and economic integration. Their research is available here.

The Post Growth Institute encourages society to create global prosperity without pure economic growth. Their research is available here.


The World Wealth Report and Asia-Pacific Wealth Report from Capgemini and RBC Wealth Management are available here.

The UK Government has published a series of policy papers on International Education Strategy: Global Growth and Prosperity in 2013. The papers are available here.

Report of the CSIS Executive Council on Development: A Vision for Global Prosperity is avaiable here.