Global Prosperity

As part of the process of globalisation,  financing, or the lack of financing, for endeavours in the areas of environmental issues including climate finance and challenges associated implementating the principles of ESG, achieving the UN’s17 SDG objectives by 2030, will have direct and indirect impact on national, regional and global financial stability, individual and global financial security and global inclusive prosperity. The IGF has been working with the Asian Development Bank on the above issues.  

The IGF has published several high impact research works and organised a number of international policy fora, in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank,  that deal with the above issues, including climate change and climate finance. The IGF, in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank has promoted those policies that can develop more effective financial architecture for developing countries as well as financial policies that can accelerate the process of achieving UN SDGs by 2030.  The IGF jointly published a book with the Asian Development Bank, on "Climate Change and Climate Finance: Current Experience and Future Directions" in September 2023.

The IGF’s engagement and policy research with eminent researchers and joint work with the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank are part of the overall objectives of providing global leadership in factors that contribute to global inclusive financial prosperity, taking into account the culture and diversity of peoples and nations.

2023 Selected Research Work

Abiona, O., Haywood, P., Yu, S., Hall, J., Fiebig, D. G., & van Gool, K. (2024). Physician responses to insurance benefit restrictions: The case of ophthalmology. Health Economics (United Kingdom). doi:10.1002/hec.4799 

Akerlof, R., Holden, R., & Rayo, L. (2023). Network Externalities and Market Dominance. Management Science.  

Chen, W., Dai, L., Fang, X., & Zhang, W. (2023). Labor protection and stock price crash risk: Evidence from international equity markets. British Accounting Review.  

Crosby, S., Malavisi, A., Huang, L., Jan, S., Holden, R., & Neal, B. (2023). Factors influencing the time to ethics and governance approvals for clinical trials: a retrospective cross-sectional survey. Trials, 24(1).  

Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A. I., Sojli, E., & Tham, W. W. (2023). Reproducibility in Management Science.  Management Science.  

Gratton, G., & Lee, B. E. (2024). Liberty, Security, and Accountability: The Rise and Fall of Illiberal Democracies. Review of Economic Studies, 91(1), 340-371. 

Gratton, G., & Morelli, M. (2023). Erratum to: Optimal  Checks and Balances under Policy Uncertainty (International Economic Review, (2022), 63, 2, (549-569), 10.1111/iere.12547). International Economic Review, 64(2), 871.  

Guo, L., Kong, J., & Masulis, R. W. (n.d.). Do Employee Interests Affect Target Board Decisions About Acquisition Offers? Evidence from Changes in Unemployment Insurance. Management Science. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2022.01379 

Holden, R. (2023). Session I: Setting the Scene Reshaping Australia: some economic observations. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 156, 39-47. 

Kenny, P., Liu, D., Fiebig, D., Hall, J., Millican, J., Aranda, S., Haywood, P. (2024). Specialist Palliative Care and Health Care Costs at the End of Life. PharmacoEconomics - Open, 8(1), 31-47.  

Li, H., Liu, H., Tang, Q., & Yuan, Z. (2023). Pricing extreme mortality risk in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 108, 84-106.  

Yu, S., Lui, K., Fiebig, D. G., Travadi, J., Homer, C. S. E., Sinclair, L., Viney, R. (2023). Preterm Birth and Total Health Care Use and Costs in the First 5 Years of Life: A Population-based Study. Journal of Pediatrics, 258. 

2022 Selected Research Work

Jevglevskaja, N., & Buckley, R. P. (2022), The Consumer Data Right: How to Realise This World-Leading Reform, University of New South Wales Law Journal, 45(4), pp. 1589-1622. 

Koh, P. -S., Reeb, D., Sojli, E., Tham, W. W., & Wang, W. (2022), Deleting unreported innovation, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 

Mukherjee, A., Panayotov, G., Sen, R., Dutta, H., & Ghosh, P. (2022), Measuring vaccine effectiveness from limited public health datasets: Framework and estimates from India’s second COVID wave, Science Advances, 8(18).  

Nguyen, J. H., Pham, P., & Qiu, B. (2022), Proprietary Knowledge Protection and Product Market Performance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.  

Yu, S., Fiebig, D. G., Viney, R., Scarf, V., & Homer, C. (2022), Private provider incentives in health care: The case of caesarean births, Social Science and Medicine, 294.  

2021 Selected Reserach Work

Dou, Y., & Xu, Z. (2021), Bank Lending and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from SFAS 166/167*, Contemporary Accounting Research, 38(4), pp. 3017-3052.  

Fiebig, D. G., van Gool, K., Hall, J., & Mu, C. (2021), Health care use in response to health shocks: Does socio-economic status matter?, Health Economics (United Kingdom), 30(12), pp. 3032-3050.  

Hsu, P. -H., Huang, P., Humphery-Jenner, M., & Powell, R. (2021), Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions for Innovation, Journal of International Money and Finance: theoretical and empirical research in international economics and finance, 112.  

Islam, E., Rahman, L., Sen, R., & Zein, J. (2021), Eyes on the Prize: Do Industry Tournament Incentives Shape the Structure of Executive Compensation?, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.  

Liu, C., Masulis, R. W., & Stanfield, J. (2021), Why CEO option compensation can be a bad option for shareholders: Evidence from major customer relationships, Journal of Financial Economics, 142(1), pp. 453-481.  

Mercurio, B., Buckley, R., & Fu, E. J. (2021), The legitimacy of capital controls during a retreat from globalisation, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 70(1), pp. 59-101.  

Payzan-LeNestour, E., Pradier, L., Doran, J., Nave, G., & Balleine, B. (2021), Impact of ambient sound on risk perception in humans: neuroeconomic investigations, Scientific reports, 11(1), p. 5392.  

Sojli, E., Tham, W. W., Bryant, R., & McAleer, M. (2021), COVID-19 restrictions and age-specific mental health—U.S. probability-based panel evidence, Translational Psychiatry, 11(1).  

Srivastava, S., Heim, A. B., Yoho, R., Moore, E. B., Richter, W. E., Strielkowski, W., Cao, B. (2021), Imagining a teaching utopia, Science, 374(6563), p. 31.  

2020 Selected Research Work

Cortés, K. R., Glover, A. S., & Tasci, M. (2020), The Unintended Consequences of Employer Credit Check Bans for Labor Markets, The Review of Economics and Statistics. 

Fong, K., Krug, J. D., Leung, H., & Westerholm, J. P. (2020), Determinants of household broker choices and their impacts on performance, Journal of Banking and Finance, 112.  

Liang, H., Renneboog, L., & Vansteenkiste, C. (2020), Cross-border acquisitions and employment policies, Journal of Corporate Finance, 62, p. 102320.  

Yu, D., & Fiebig, D. G. (2020), Internet use and cognition among middle-aged and older adults in China: A cross-lagged panel analysis, Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 17.  

Yu, S., Fiebig, D. G., Scarf, V., Viney, R., Dahlen, H. G., & Homer, C. (2020), Birth models of care and intervention rates: The impact of birth centres, Health Policy, 124(12), pp. 1395-1402.  


Stock Market Liberalization and Innovation (2020)
Moshirian F (University of New South Wales), Zhang B (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Journal of Financial Economics 04 Aug 2020 , Forthcoming
Inventor CEOs (2020)
J. Zein (Univeristy of New South Wales) and Islam, E (Monash Univeristy. (2019), Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming.
Family Business Group Expansion through IPOs: The Role of Internal Capital Markets in Financing Growth while Preserving Control (2019)
Zein J (University of New South Wales); Masulis R (University of New South Wales); Pham P (University of New South Wales), 2019, Management Science, forthcoming
Practice makes progress: Evidence from divestitures (2019)
Humphery-Jenner M; Powell R; Zhang EJ, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 105, pp. 1 - 19.
Employee-Manager Alliances and Shareholder Returns from Acquisitions (2019)
R. Masulis (University of New South Wales), Wang, C. (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Xie, F. (University of Delaware), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
Shareholder Wealth Consequences of Insider Pledging of Company Stock as Collateral for Personal Loans (2019)
Dou Y; Masulis RW; Zein J, 2019, The Review of Financial Studies, vol. 32, pp. 4810 - 4854
What drives investment–cash flow sensitivity around the World? An asset tangibility Perspective (2017)
Moshirian F, Nanda V, Vadilyev A, Zhang B, Apr 2017, Journal of Banking and Finance 77:1-17
How Do Foreign Institutional Investors Enhance Firm Innovation?(2017)
Hoang, L., Moshirian, F., Nguyen, L., Tian, X., Zhang, B. (2017), Journal of Financial Quantitative and Analysis, 52, 1449-1490.
Discipline or Disruption? Stakeholder Relationships and the Effect of Takeover Threat (2016)
Cen L; Dasgupta S; Sen R, 2016, Management Science, vol. 62, pp. 2820 - 2841
Cross-listings and liquidity commonality around the world (2015)
Dang, T. L., Moshirian, F., Wee, C. K. G. and Zhang, B. 2015 , Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 22, pp. 1-26.
