Global Governance

Over the last several years, the IGF Associate Researchers have published several outstanding high impact reearch work on Global Governace. Their research studies have been published in the leading international journals.  Some of these publications are listed below:

2023 Selected Research Work

Chen, W., Tan, H. T., & Wang, E. Y. (2023). The impact of repeated notifications and notification checking mode on investors' reactions to managers’ strategic positive title emphasis. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 110.  

Chen, Y. C., Holden, R., Kunimoto, T., Sun, Y., & Wilkening, T. (2023). Getting Dynamic Implementation to Work. Journal of Political Economy, 131(2). 

Masulis, R. W., & Mobbs, S. (2023). Influential independent directors' reputation incentives: Impacts on CEO compensation contracts and financial reporting. Journal of Corporate Finance, 82. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2023.102449 

Masulis, R. W., & Reza, S. W. (2023). Private benefits of corporate philanthropy and distortions to corporate financing and investment decisions. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 31(3), 464-490.  

Masulis, R. W., Reza, S. W., & Guo, R. (2023). The sources of value creation in acquisitions of intangible assets. Journal of Banking and Finance, 154.  

Masulis, R., Wang, C., Xie, F., & Zhang, S. (2023). Directors: Older and Wiser, or Too Old to Govern?. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 

Moshirian, F., Pham, P., Tian, S., & Wu, E. (2023). Foreign Ties that Bind: Cross-border Firm Expansions and Fund Portfolio Allocation around the World. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 58,(No 4,), 1768-1807.  

2022 Selected Research Work

Hogan, T., Humphery-Jenner, M., Huong, T. T. L., & Powell, R. (2022), Market dominance, R&D grant funding, and innovation outcomes, R and D Management, 52(4), pp. 768-796. 

Humphrey-Jenner, M., Islam, E., Rahman, L., & Suchard, J. -A. (2022), Powerful CEOs and Corporate Governance, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 19(1), pp. 135-188. 

Masulis, R., Pham, P. K., Zein, J., & Ang, A. (2022), Crises as Opportunities for Growth: The Strategic Value of Business Group Affiliation, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 

2021 Selected Research Work

Feldman, D., Kang, C. -M., Li, J., & Saxena, K. (2021), Politically Motivated Corporate Decisions as Tournament Participation/Inclusion Games, Journal of Corporate Finance.  

Sojli, E., Tham, W. W., & Ioanid, R. (2021), Quoting activity and the cost of capital, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56(8).  

Suchard, J., Humphery-Jenner, M., & Cao, X. (2021), Government Ownership and Venture Capital in China, Journal of Banking and Finance, 129(1), pp 106-164.  

2020 Selected Research Work 

Banerjee, S., Dai, L., Humphery-Jenner, M., & Nanda, V. (2020), Governance, Board Inattention, and the Appointment of Overconfident CEOs, Journal of Banking & Finance, p. 105733

Banerjee, S., Dai, L., Humphery-Jenner, M., & Nanda, V. (2020), Governance, Board Inattention, and the Appointment of Overconfident CEOs, Journal of Banking & Finance, p. 105733.  

Feito-Ruiz, I., Renneboog, L., & Vansteenkiste, C. (2020), Elective stock and scrip dividends, Journal of Corporate Finance, 64, pp. 35-77.  

Islam, E., & Zein, J. (2020), Inventor CEOs, Journal of Financial Economics, 132(2), pp. 505-527 

Liu, C., Low, A., Masulis, R. W., & Zhang, L. (2020), Monitoring the monitor: Distracted institutional investors and board governance, Review of Financial Studies, 33(10), pp. 4489-4531.  

Masulis, R. W. (2020), A Survey of Recent Evidence on Boards of Directors and CEO Incentives, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 49(1), pp. 7-35.  

Pham, P. K., Masulis, R., & Zein, J. (2020), Family Business Group Expansion through IPOs: The Role of Internal Capital Markets in Financing Growth while Preserving Control, Management Science, 66(11), pp. 5191-5215.  

Xu, Z. (2020), Economic policy uncertainty, cost of capital, and corporate innovation, Journal of Banking and Finance, 111.  

News media coverage and corporate leverage adjustments (2019)
Dang TL, Dang VA, Moshirian F, Nguyen L, Zhang B, Journal of Banking and Finance 109:01 Dec 2019, forthcoming
How valuable are independent directors? Evidence from external distractions (2019)
R. W. Masulis (University of New South Wales) and Zhang, E.J. (Monash University) , 2019, Journal of Financial Economics, 132 (3), 226-256
Does CEO Bias Escalate Repurchase Activity? (2018)
Banerjee S; Humphery-Jenner ML; Nanda V, 2018, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 93, pp. 105 - 126
Executive Overconfidence and Securities Class Actions (2018)
Banerjee S; Humphery-Jenner ML; Nanda V; Tham M, 2018, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 53, pp. 2685 - 2719
Executive overconfidence and compensation structure (2016)
Humphery-Jenner ML; Lisic L; Nanda V; Silveri S, 2016, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 119, pp. 533 - 558
Global governance and financial stability (2015)
Moshirian, F., Journal of Banking and Finance, 55, 358-360
Commonality in news around the world (2015)
Dang TL, Moshirian F, Zhang B, 2015, Journal of Financial Economics 116(1):82-110.
Restraining Overconfident CEOs through Improved Governance: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2015)
Banerjee S; Humphery-Jenner ML; Nanda V, 2015, The Review of Financial Studies, vol. 28, pp. 2812 - 2858,
Global governance: Global banks and shadow banks supervision (2014)
Moshirian F, Journal of Banking and Finance 48:307-311.
Liquidity shocks, governance, systemic risk and financial stability (2014)
Ellis L, Haldane A, McAndrews J, Moshirian F, 2014, Journal of Banking and Finance 45(1):171-174.
